About Our Club
On April 28, 2010, the club was officially organized as a 501c7 trust under Federal and State of Florida laws. The founding fathers of the Trust were Paul Schuler, William (Bill) Beynon, Adam Schmitt, Paul (Andy) Robinson and Suzanne Hawkins. Paul Schuler became the first president of Naples Velo Bicycle Club, dba Naples Velo.
Andy Robinson was named the second president. Joe Rose was the third president. Bill Beynon was the fourth president.
In May of 2015; Don Rupprecht was named the fifth president of Naples Velo.
October 13, 2015, Naples Velo Cycling Alliance, Inc., a 501c3 corporation was incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida. It provided a facility for receiving tax-deductible contributions to support eligible projects of Naples Velo. Don Rupprecht was named the first president of NVCA.
October 2015 the Board of Trustees adopted a new Mission Statement.
In August 2017, Frank Kistler was named the sixth president of Naples Velo. In March 2019, Mark Dillon was named the seventh president. In 2020, William Percival became the eighth president. In 2022, Angela Parrotta became the ninth and current president. She is currently serving a second term.
Andy Robinson was named the second president. Joe Rose was the third president. Bill Beynon was the fourth president.
In May of 2015; Don Rupprecht was named the fifth president of Naples Velo.
October 13, 2015, Naples Velo Cycling Alliance, Inc., a 501c3 corporation was incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida. It provided a facility for receiving tax-deductible contributions to support eligible projects of Naples Velo. Don Rupprecht was named the first president of NVCA.
October 2015 the Board of Trustees adopted a new Mission Statement.
In August 2017, Frank Kistler was named the sixth president of Naples Velo. In March 2019, Mark Dillon was named the seventh president. In 2020, William Percival became the eighth president. In 2022, Angela Parrotta became the ninth and current president. She is currently serving a second term.